Pivot, or be Pivoted

Pivot, or be Pivoted

Scientists tell us that everything is happening simultaneously within the vast potential of the Quantum Field where, quite literally, anything goes. (A quick look any day at your social media feed will show you even the tiniest bit of this dizzying potential.)

They tell us that great, evolutionary energies from the centres of galaxies have been arriving into our solar system, as they cyclically do, and shifting it and our Earth, too, and as long-forecast by the world’s indigenous peoples.

In these threshold-point-days of continual exposure, challenge, transformation and creation, many of us find ourselves experiencing ongoing crossroads moments.

We find ourselves face-to-face with the ‘forces and habits of the old’ and the ‘call and possibilities of the new’, wondering which way is up and which way is down, or left or right.

One would be hard-pressed to be operating as ‘business as usual’, given the many cross-pollinating influences impacting us right now.

Breakdowns are a given.

It’s a heady mix, and within it, we live our own unique cross-section in the vortex of these highly-disruptive influences.

Upgrade is everywhere. Upgrade is ‘demanded’.

Feel for your own alignment and the purpose calling you for these times. Feel for how your own unique piece and talents contribute.

Allow your parameters to expand. Allow your Heart and Mind to expand.

Make room in your life for the New. Toss out, or walk away from, that which tethers you to the old. Roll and flow with the moments…..and pivot, pivot, pivot.

Pivot, or be pivoted.

Expand your parameters in conjunction with all parameters being expanded now, culturally, technologically, spiritually, politically, financially, socially, etc.


Remember, the most toxic fallacy that’s always being busted from age to age is that the power is in the hands of the few: in fact, it is in your hands and always has been, and right now, it’s time for all hands
on deck, no matter who you are or where you live.

(c) Fatima Bacot All Rights Reserved.